Waiting for the Call

This blog is to supplement the "Latest News" on the Apokoronas Our Home website and I hope it will fill in a few gaps as to the everyday workings of the council!
These last few days I have been reminded of the first episode of "Yes Minister" when Jim Hacker is waiting for a call from the Prime Minister.
Our Party DEKA won the election and Mr Grigoris Markakis will be the first Mayor of Apokoronas,
The young "new blood" in the old Dimos of Georgioupolis won easily and we have new blood in all areas, - a good start, but lots more to do
I am waiting to hear if I got a seat on the main council as there are re-counts going on. I hope to hear today.
The hard work starts now and  a lot of planning and preparing is going on.
I am also tackling my essay for the Diploma I am working on so times are fairly busy.
There's a start. More later as I get into a routine.


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