One of "those" days

Yesterday was one of "those" days. It started well enough and I believed I would have a quiet morning catching up on office work and my University essay. It began to go awry at about 9 when Christos  - having gone to check whether some olives were ready to harvest - was bitten by a dog! The bite was not serious, but as it had broken the skin we thought we had better go to the health centre at Vamos. Having been ( eventually) checked out by a doctor we discovered they did not have any Tetanus inoculations there or antibiotics, so we went down to the pharmacy with the prescription - to discover they had none either! We were told to come back at 7.30 in the evening when they would have got some in. While I was in Vamos I took the chance to order a turkey for Christmas from 'Jon the Butcher'.
  By the time we got home it was lunchtime so we had some aubergine casserole and C went for a siesta while I tried to get back to work. I knew I had to leave for another appointment at 2.30 and that I was due back in Hania in the evening so not much office work was going to get done!
The afternoon went fairly smoothly but involved a lot of hanging around to see people, wait for them to call back etc etc, not to mention getting C sorted at the pharmacy!
 Today I will be in Hania most of the day - hopefully with good results!
The election vote is still being checked and we are waiting for the court to verify the outcome so we can get on with some work!


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