Planning the future

The day started with a very useful meeting with our active "supporters" who helped at the polling stations, got the word out etc. We have decided to bring out a monthly newsletter which will include important updates from the council, interviews with councillors and answering FAQ's. We intend this to be in Greek and English - this is in addition to anything the council may do.
 We are going to arrange a collection in the memory of David Webb and will ask his wife what she prefers us to do with the amount collected.
   We are also going to have a celebration party for "Helpers" and spouses in two weeks time, before the Xmas celebrations kick in. Themed around Asian food - to have a change from the usual.
 I had a call telling me I have to be in Hania before 8 tomorrow and this appointment will be followed by going to check yet more votes in the court.
I plan to start back to the gym this week. Tomorrow if I get back from Hania at a reasonable time!
I have ten days to get my Essay finished " Assess the contribution of the fishing industry in either of the two world wars" - So I'd better get on with it!


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