Monday Morning

Up with the lark - or at least the cats -  to meet clients at the IKA office by 8a.m. Everything went smoothly - though there was a certain amount ( i.e. a lot) of hanging around. Afterwards they went off to do some business in Hania and I went in to the court where the election re count has been going on to check my personal votes. The leader of the EMAAK party has not accepted the vote and is examining every piece of paper - this has happened six times now since last Sunday's vote! On the way back from town I stopped off at the new "British Food Shop" in Kalyves - unfortunately she has been so busy the shelves were nearly empty - a new delivery including Xmas goodies is imminent so I will call back on Monday. Sat down to do some work and flicked the tv on to see the news, as I was going through the channels I came across an Arabic channel where the film "Robin Hood Prince of Thieves" was just starting. This film is worthing watching for the sheriff of Nottingham - Alan Rickman - one of my three favourite actors who's films I would watch if only to hear their voices. The other two being James Mason and George Sanders.
One of my other clients discovered the delights of the local Kafenion today. I think it just confirmed he has made the right decision in coming here.


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