Counts and re-counts

Having called in the morning to find out if we had the final detailed results of the election, I was informed that the re-counts were still going on. Not only for individuals but all the votes, down to the colour of the ink! I pointed out that one small polling station, their one blue biro having broken, continued in black.....
I decided to give the bathroom a "once over'. At this point the mixer tap on the bath totally disintegrated. Luckily the tap was off at the time so I did not have a flood. A neighbour - who knows about these things - called in and confirmed my suspicion that the only solution was a whole new tap. Consequently I went off to the hardware store at Vamos. Having chosen the new tap ( the cheapest they had at 40 euro!) I discovered that they were not able to take credit cards so I had to go up to the ATM. Going up through the village I got stuck behind a bus that was jammed at the junction due to badly parked cars on the narrow road. Having got my money I returned to find a truck "parked" outside the pharmacy, in the middle of the main road through the village which once again stopped all the traffic.
 The tap was quickly replaced when I got home and I carried on with my original plans!
Today the town hall employees are on strike amongst others and VAT is going up to 13% on basic things like bread, veg, fruit, eggs, etc etc! Wages have been slashed - a cousin who is severely disabled has had her pension cut to 325euro per month. this has to cover everything including food and care......


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