
Yesterday, 6th January was Epiphany. All over Greece priests threw crosses into the water - sea, rivers, lakes, and young men jumped in to retrieve the cross.




The greatest message came from Rhodes where a fully dressed woman jumped in and retrieved the cross. When she was interviewed later she explained that she did it for her husband. He is suffering from cancer and cannot work, they have no money, bills have to be paid. Wherever she went to try to sort something out doors were simply slammed in her face."Pay up or else" was the reply from government departments. She has at least now been given a voice for herself and many other people in the same trouble.  - This on a day when we have to begin to pay extra on prescriptions and 25 Euro if we are admitted to hospital. It may not sound much but if you have no income, it is. This is as well as keeping up with insurance payments.


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