Black Friday

  Well, it was Black Friday in the Town Hall. The day has come when 34 workers are due to be made redundant. This includes road sweepers ( of which there are only two, so now there are none) and maintenance and office staff. While we know that the Greek beaurocracy has always been heavy on staff and things need to be streamlined there comes a point when the council cannot function without enough staff. The Town Hall was very busy this morning, many people in there for different business.      By the way if you go in looking for the "Social Services" they are now in a new office in the basement. They are also under threat and expect to be disbanded in the next couple of months!
Our council at least has paid it's workers unlike some other municipalities on the mainland. I have a friend who has not been paid for 12 months. Why do they continue to go in to work? you may ask. They live in hope that they will be paid eventually! If they leave they will not get paid and they are unlikely to get any unemployment benefit so what are the options - especially if you are the only wage earner in the family and there are no other jobs to be had anyway?
The council and the opposition continue to work together to try to find a solution for these workers.
Why bother to vote in local elections ? We have an article here if you have not seen it already.
If you have not registered to vote do not leave it too late. The deadline is now the end of February but who knows if there will be strikes over the country during the next months so my advice is to go and register now. At the same time you can register to vote in the European elections which take place at the same time.


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