Independence day 25th March, Vamos

Today, 25th March is independence day in Greece.
The day dawned bright and breezy - for breezy read gale force!

Our flag on the gate was stable - It is made from from plastic milk bottle tops

I made my way to Vamos, to St Nicholas where the young people were assembling for the service

Then up to the cenotaph

Marching through the village

Drums and cymbals

The priest, Pater Spyros, says a blessing

My Macheras, head of the junior school, speaks about the history of 25th March

Wreaths are laid on behalf of the council, schools and cultural groups of Vamos
Little Georgos is determined to lay the wreath for the Pre school playgroup - even though it is much bigger than him

He also managed to speak some lines about the celebrations!

The infant school



Mr. Flemetakis on behalf of his family who were very active during the revolution

Preparing to march from the square to the school - a young girl in traditional dress leads the way

The school choir sings the National Anthem

As well as Independence Day it is Vangelis name day. ( the day the angel came as a messenger to Mary)
Vangelis from the church council, in Traditional dress

Pater Spyros takes a photo of Vangelis

I take a photo of the two of them!

Χρονια Πολλα!!!


  1. Thanks Helen. A good record of an important day. Bob S


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