The week speeds by..

We are on Thursday already!
 Tuesday was a very interesting day , I had my "Surgery" in the town hall and saw several people. After that I ended up - more by luck than judgement- at a "Quality of Life" committee  meeting. As it happened one of the issues that I had been discussing at my surgery was on the agenda and as I had just handed the chairman of the committee two emails about it I was very interested to hear the discussion. I was even more surprised to be asked to speak to the committee to give the point of view expressed in the emails. There was another issue where I was asked to speak and what was even better was that the "opposition" councillors also asked me  - and to the degree that they asked the chairman to give me the floor! All in all a very productive morning. In the afternoon I made it to the beach for the first time in three years - must try more often!
 Thursday I was at the house of a client dealing with the "day job" and ended up cutting back some climbers that threatened to engulf the house - well it makes a change. Later, after dealing with phone calls and emails and most importantly a mistake that I had made on the website, I prepared for guests. The evening passed pleasantly eating and drinking outside in the garden with friends.


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