The new Municipality takes action at Lake Kournas

On Thursday 10th June there was a combined initiative of Municipality and Police to check the tourist area of Lake Kournas. Many illegal signs were removed, licences for pedallos, sunbeds and tavernas were checked and appropriate action taken when any contravention of the laws were found. Rates due to the Municipality (many thousands of euros) were also an issue and bills have been levied for outstanding payments. There were also issues as to cleanliness, disposal of rubbish and other waste and general care of the area. Cases were also found where unauthorised electrical and water connections had been made. The initiative was reported wth a full page spread in the Hania newspaper, Haniotika Nea.
There are already results. A tourist guide who takes visitors to the lake on a regular basis told us   "... so things are changing at the lake. My husband talked with some owners and they told him they are taking the problems seriously and they have started cleaning, it looks better already".

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