Monday Monday...

Up at 6 and checking emails soon after! checked the weeks agenda and my checklist of things to be done. Took 3 people over to Almyrida and had an appointment over there - the "day job" After that on to see Ivor who is giving a talk about the Environment on Saturday. I will have to translate for the Greek people so I need to have a good idea what it is about.At Kokkino Chorio I bumped into Paul, aka"Fiona Motion" who is here on holiday and we discussed the fact that people are still dumping glass on the verge even though it is all cleaned up,. First stop tomorrow will be to speak to Katerina in the town hall and see if she can speak to the owners of the glass factory and persuade them to take in the battles every day. - It would be a five minute job if done regularly, as it is last time the council had to arrange to move nearly 20 tonnes of glass and take it away. It is also an eyesore and a very bad picture for tourists. One day last week there were 6 coaches parked outside.  I carried on to Kefalas and called into the Environmental Education Centre to get the agenda for the Seminar on Saturday. I see there is live music in Kefalas that same evening - but I will probably be too tired to go as I have an early start on Sunday.  Home and grabbed a sandwich and caught up on phone calls, made several appointments for people who want to speak to Deputy mayors about various issues. I found time to go to the gym for an hour and then back to work until about 9 pm. All in all a fairly quiet day. I finished my university term yesterday so that is one thing less  to worry about until after the summer. Tomorrow is my "surgery" day in the town hall so I will be there all morning. I know I have several appointments. It is always interesting and hopefully I can help sort out a few problems.

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