
Years ago in Britain there was the custom of "churching" where a new mother was confined to home until she took her baby to church after 40 days. This pretty much died out in the 19th century.
Here in Greece however the custom goes on and it was lovely in the midst of all the trouble and strife going on at the moment, to be invited to such a blessing this week.
The priest came to the house and conducted the service and blessing of the Mother and baby, all the people there and the house. The service reached the part where the people present went to the priest for an individual blessing with holy water, administered with a bunch of Basil and the cross was held out to be kissed. Several Non Greeks who had been invited stood back at this point but the priest looked over and motioned them to come over to be blessed as well. This was followed by the usual "trapezi" of way too much to eat and drink. The baby slept soundly throughout!

( Thanks to Anastasia for the photos)
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