Vamos Arts Week

A bright start to the week. The weather was good and it was the first day of Vamos Arts week.
After a quick visit to the town hall first thing to chase up some water issues I drove over to Vamos amphitheatre for a rehearsal of the play in which I am taking part.
 In the early evening I attended the opening event of Vamos Arts week "In Wonderland" a musical entertainment based on "Alice in Wonderland" The Mayor, Mr Markakis, and two deputy mayors (Mr Stavroulakis and Mr. Mihelakis) attended, as did Mr Hadzidakis, president of Vamos Cultural society, they all seemed to have  fun but looked a little bemused in parts! The whole week will continue full of music, art and drama, and one of the guests is the poet Roger McGough. ( fingers crossed that the ash from the icelandic volcano does not affect his flight.)


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