Back to Work

.. Well Monday was not a bank holiday in Greece. Sunday, being the first of May,  wreaths of flowers were hung on the doors of the houses and posies on cars! Monday was back to work. One of my first jobs of the day was to chase the person in the council responsible for getting the backdrop for theVamos amphitheatre fixed - it will be used for Vamos Art Week in about three weeks time!  Got my essay plan sent off for the Uni course and started work on some new web pages for animals and environment on the website
 Had a conversation about the removal of the glass outside the factory in Kokkino Horio, where it has mounted up and become an eyesore. Lots of people in the town hall this morning and many meetings going on and things happening! Have an invitation to a seminar at the Environmental Education facility on Monday but unfortunately have a previous appointment.
Very windy today it started rainy but is now quite warm. About time the weather settled down.


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