
Today I went over to the seaside village of Almyrida. It is beginning to come out of its winter hibernation. I walked through and took a look at the bridge which is in need of restoration and re building - but the local hotel owners were up in arms last week and said they did not want it done till after the season as they don't want to lose business - they will lose a lot more if it collapses!!!
Sunday morning I walked through Georgioupolis early and could smell the Eucalyptus trees and warm bread from the old bakery.  This morning in Almyrida it was a smell of frying - rather spoilt the beach walk.
I took the road back through Xirosterni and saw two places where rubbish had been dumped by the side of the road - one household and one builders rubble. Must make sure that the proper people know about it.
The animal welfare group has planned its next meeting - Agenda There is also a lovely dog looking for a new home.
Work has been authorised to repair the damage at the amphitheatre in Vamos before the Arts week. Must keep an eye on it to make sure it happens in good time. Very windy today - but warm - the forecast is for very strong winds at the weekend. Battle of Crete celebrations start next week. The first event takes place at the Old school in Armenoi


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