
Another busy day! Left home at about 9 to be early in Armenoi. When I arrived Bob was busy putting up flags. The old school flag was flying proudly on the gatepost and the sound engineer was setting up the microphones. Up in the school house itself raki, water, juice, cheese, peanuts and the like were being laid out on the table - there was an exhibition of old school photos, 1900, 1930, 1960 and a photo of the pilots who were using the school in 1941. Chairs arrived from the cultural commitee and people began to arrive.

Young girls in traditional costume
Villagers and councillors began to arrive and enjoyed looking at the old photos - especially those who had attended the school themselves - there were tales of strict teachers and one person showed the scar he still caried on his head from when the teacher threw something at him in the 50's!
Time went on and the dignitaries arrived - MPs, vice mayors, and most importantly the air force and a veteran who had been stationed at the school in 1941

The mayor gave a speech of welcome and then there were other speeches from the airforce and the veteran. A plaque was unveiled by the veteran and the air force commander.

After the ceremony there was first a drink and Xerotigana under the trees in the village square given by the village cultural committee and then food and drink at a local taverna. This was supposed to be for 40 people - You will notice rather more than that in the photos. A group of traditionally dressed men sang Rezitika  - the lyrics concerning the battle of Crete
I had to leave part way through the meal as I had a wedding to attend afterwards!!!

A wonderful celebration - and well worth investigating the history of the area...


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