Sad End to a Busy Day

We started the day by having some friends round to "Learn Greek while you eat" The idea was that we show them some local Cretan recipes and as far as possible speak only in Greek in order to improve conversation and vocabulary.


Taking a closer look.

Tasting the results

 Later I went to Vamos school  where the pupils, teacher and parents were supporting the community by collecting clothes, food and medications. There was a slideshow and talk before music, Cretan, Jazz and Blues, again provided by the pupils and teachers.

Testing the sound system 

Setting up the band (s)

The youngsters set out and served the food and drink provided by the parents

 People arriving with donations

 The Band

 Donations of clothes

 Donations of food

Snacks were provided by parents and pupils

I had to leave Vamos early to attend the cutting of the Vassilopitta of the Women's syllogos of Georgioupolis. It was very well attended and there was a draw with many donated gifts.
A barbecue had been set up outside and the ladies had been busy cooking pies, meatballs etc. 

There was a slideshow of the ladies making the Vassilopitta and the events and trips they had taken part in over the last year.

 The priest made a blessing before cutting the cake

The women of the dance group gave a demonstration.  Unfortunately before this took place we received word that a friend from our village had died in a car crash on his way home from work and we left the celebrations early. 


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