Yes, I'm here!

No! No! I haven't abandoned the blog -the days are whizzing by so fast! Drama rehearsals, university essay, work and council stuff all clamoring for attention - not to mention having to clean the house and other domestic duties!
 Tomorrow is a meeting for people in Plaka and Thursday is a meeting about "Battle of Crete" events in the morning and the first Community council meeting in the evening. We have the fortnightly meeting of council supporters on Saturday and the tabletop sale down in Georgioupolis on Sunday so not much respite at the weekend either - still it's fun and interesting.
Last week Brian and Andrew had a civil ceremony and I am hoping that they will send some photos and a newsy letter soon.
What else? Oh yes I changed my hair colour and have a touch or dark red now for a change. It is always difficult when trying out a new hairdresser, mine having closed her salon and moved to Chania.
A few queries re properties, I hope it picks up a little. Easter is on it's way and the weather is brightening up. Time to find time to go to the gym again... when? when?


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