St Georges Day

St Georges day is celebrated the same day as the UK - with one difference. If the day (April 23rd) falls in Holy Week, the celebration is delayed until Easter Monday.
 So on Easter Monday morning we set off early for the church of St George at Argyromouri. When we arrived there were already a lot of villagers there and a table groaning under the weight of meat, cheese pies etc. Most years there is also a cauldron bubbling cooking meat and pilafi and sheep being put into a pen for blessing by the priest. This year due to the death of a villager only in her 40's a few days before, the celebration is muted.
 The priest arrived and the service began, first with communion. ( It was noted that the communion wine seemed to be extra strong this year) The villagers continued to arrive. Some having been first to the other church of St George at Karydi monastery  - some were going there later - We planned a visit to the churchyard in St George at Kalamitsi in the afternoon.
The priest blessed the "artos" - holy bread  - and read out the names of people whose families wished to remember them. then there was a procession around the church three times with the old church icons
After the service I had to rush off to a rehearsal for the play I am taking part in during Vamos Arts Week. As I arrived at the venue my phone rang and it was from the church saying I had won a "lamb" in the raffle! - Alive! when I got home it had been delivered - rather larger than I expected!
In the afternoon we visited the graveyard and put flowers on Uncle Georgo's grave for his nameday.


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