Holy Wednesday - getting the chores done


Traditionally Holy Wednesday is the day that the housewives finish the housework before the holiday. This is not to say that they rest! There is a lot of prep to do before Easter Sunday. Thursday is for making the Tsoureki and the red eggs - more of that tomorrow. Friday is a day of rest and of preparing the "Epitafios" and then Saturday is making cheese pies, Magiritsa and other goodies before the Easter feast.

This year May Day falls on Easter Saturday so there will be garlands of flowers to be made for the front door and the car

                                      Last year's wreath

Apart from household chores we went out to buy the fresh fruit and veg we will need over the long weekend and we checked the shopping list for the baking to come.

There was also work to do in the garden in readiness for planting.

Lunch was Green Beans in tomato sauce.

Many of the tavernas and cafeterias are busy preparing to open next week.


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