Holy Thursday - Red Eggs


Today is the traditional day for  colouring the eggs and making the Tsoureki ( Easter bread) 

Here is where the fusion comes in.

I coloured the eggs - without leaving the kitchen looking like a massacre had taken place - but did not make the tsoureki.

Firstly I will not be making Tsoureki - a sweet Greek bread, I will be making saffron buns ( Yeasted and fruited buns from Cornwall) and a different fruit bread which is a little like panettone - but more “Bready”. 

I will make them tomorrow “Good Friday”. Here in Greece that would not be usual, but I remember my grandmother making them on that day so there you go! Recipes tomorrow. Today was the day for buying the meat ready for Sunday and liver for making the Magiritsa - the soup eaten to break the fast after the resurrection.


Instagram: cretan_cornucopia


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