Helping the nursery schools

After the very successful concert on the 7th September at Embrosneros, Apokoronas Friends of the Red Cross set aside 750 euros for support in Apokoronas.
They were asked to help provide equipment for the three Nursery schools which the Dimos of Apokoronas has responsibility for, Maza, Mouri and Armenoi. A shopping list was provided by the Nursery Schools and when all the equipment was purchased it was delivered to the schools.
Argyro Benaki the President of Social Welfare for Apokoronas, along with her Vice President Niki Vrionaki -Niolaki - and a member of the social welfare board Nikitas Paizis went along with members of the ex pat community who live close to the schools. 

At Armenoi Honor and Bart Bartley handed over the equipment with Argyro, Nicki and Nikita from the Social Welfare Committee of the Dimos

At Mouri Jacq Vonk and Brigita Kristel met the teachers and handed over the equipment

At Maza Alexandria and Chris Painter saw the children and handed over the new toys and equipment

At Mouri the children had made a lovely book of thanks.

600 euros was spent on the schools and a further 120 euros provided much needed medical care for a sick baby. 
A big thank you to everyone concerned!


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