
A quick update and more details to come!
The week started with the dance over Crete a yearly event. Last year we got the Guinness record for the biggest number of dancers dancing a slow sirtaki at the same time. This year it was slightly different and each area had a gathering point for the dance. Over all it went very well but the turnout in Apokoronas was disappointing, not least as the person who had the original inspiration comes from here.
Tuesday, my usual session in the town hall was followed by a great open Mike night in Vamos which included two young Greek people singing and playing both traditional and modern music.
Thursday was the council meeting most of the issues were routine but three stood out, Testing of all the water sources in Apokoronas, Help for the athletics clubs and groups in the area and the threatened closure of the Environmental education centre at Kefalas. More of these anon, I am waiting to confirm some information.
 Friday I was busy all day with  the"Day Job" I hope it's picking up a bit!
The weekend was the big holiday weekend here in Greece with 15th August falling on the Monday so lots of festivals, Panygiris, singing, dancing, eating, drinking and the beaches were packed with families from Athens. 15 August is Assumption day - when the Virgin Mary died and was taken to heaven and is a big church festival here.
 Have just seen the latest edition of "In ON" which is a magazine printed in both Greek and English. There is a feature of several pages about Apokoronas and an interview with the Mayor Mr. Markakis. Also  in the edition is an article with Georgos Atsalakis who is a well respected accountant in Hania and also an authority on renewable energy.


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