
Today is Epiphany. The "Blessing of the waters. In harbours, rivers and even wells all over Greece priests throw a cross in the water, and where possible, young men ( and sometimes these days young women) jump in the harbour or river to retrieve the cross. It is a great honour to be the one to find it and return it to the priest. After this in many places the priest visits all the houses in the villages and blesses the houses and  their occupants by dipping a bunch of basil in the holy water and flicking it around the house and people. The day here started rainy but it cleared up whilst the ceremony was taking place and several brave souls jumped in the river to retrieve the cross.
 Some of the officials of the Apokoronas council have been elected and chosen, the chairman and the vice mayors have been announced and work began on the first of the month. there is a lot to be organized to integrate 6 councils into one. Several of the new officials were out at the Epiphany service meeting their "constituents"


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