Gym time

Yes. I got back to the gym!
Started off planning a quiet day. Went to Vamos at about 9a.m. to the pharmacy and from there on to buy some ham from Jon the butcher. From there off to the hardware store and bought paint to do my louvre doors out the back. So much for my quiet day - painting the french window shutters and the shutters of the two windows in the living room took me up to lunchtime - as well as dealing with phone calls etc. After lunch I shook myself and went of to Vrysses to the gym. I was there from about 2p.m. and took it fairly gently as I have not been for a couple of months due to the elections. On my return home it was time to feed the animals ( dogs, cats, chickens and rabbits) and make more phone calls!
today I received several calls about council business so I must collate the information and speak to Mr Markakis about it tomorrow. One twinning request from the Uk, one offer of help from someone who works for the EEC development department and various other items. It has been very hot again today - very unseasonal. 30 degrees this afternoon while the Uk is under snow - and so is Spain!


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