Roads and pot holes.

Today while I was out, negotiating the local roads, I decided to take a few pictures.

These potholes have been building up for months, if not years

Currently with the rain it is difficult to see the depth of them, or if they are there at all. 

It is extremely dangerous

This is duplicated all over Apokoronas

There is no excuse, as soon as the holes show they should have been dealt with. They should never have get into this state.

Do we have to wait until another person is injured before something is done?

If a motorbike hit one of these in the dark there could be a tragedy
A pedestrian or car driver could easily be injured 

There is no excuse. We are talking about the pot holes, there are also many roads that have not been tarmaced at all.

Money has suddenly been found to repair certain strips of road here and there.

A proper course of action should be put in place


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