Almyrida 10th Xmas Fayre

On Sunday 4th December all roads led to the 10th Almyrida Xmas Fayre

The weather was cloudy but dry

A good way to start the build up to Christmas


The 'Pirates' displayed the prizes for the auction

Two particularly dodgy looking types were the auctioneers!

Inside were lots of stalls

Many of them supporting local charities

The food court offered fare from all over the world, from the usual bacon butties, hot dogs, souvlakis and burgers to Dutch, Ethiopian, Indonesian, and many more

Unfortunately at around 2pm the heavens opened and some of the musical events had to be cancelled.
The organisers believe that they have hit their target - more on that soon -

A big thank you to Crete- island estates and their helpers, especially Neisha , for all of their hard work over the last few years, making this one to the most successful events of the year in Apokoronas and raising large amounts for local charities.


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