The Lonesome Pines

The big storm in March with it's strong southerly winds caused havoc in our area. One particular place which was devastated was the grove of pine trees in Vamos. These trees were 95 years old and the storm left them broken, uprooted and many of them dangerous

This tree blocked the road, When it fell it hit some children on their way to school. One was badly injured.

It smashed the school wall, but fortunately did not hit the classroom

Trees left devastated

Cones covering the ground

Some of the trees survived

Many trees had to be cut down and the roots cleared

The area looks very sad, denuded of so many old trees

Good job there was no theatrical performance due

The council quickly repaired the school wall

Planting of new trees is due to begin next week after the clear up is finished.

I thought you might like this video  -"The Trail of the Lonesome Pine"


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