
No I am not lost!! A combination of full time work, council stuff, and guests at home has rather clobbered me and I have found myself collapsing into bed without having time to write the blog. So, back to it. It has been "silly season" lots of people away, trying to get things done and being thwarted in the attempt. This week schools and so on will be going back, if they have not already and the normal routine will kick in after everyones summer holidays.
Having said that I have not managed a single visit to the beach this year, or even a meal out in a taverna so I could not tell you if the weather has been hot or cold or if the local towns have been busy.
It was noticeable in our village that there were less visitors from Athens this year and those that did come were not out and about as formerly. We did have a couple of really good "Open Mike" nights in Vamos where some of the Greek youngsters came along and joined in, singing both "pop" and traditional songs, and playing the lyra. rehearsals are starting for the next "Toneel" production. "Comfort and Joy" by Mike Harding which will be staged at the beginning of January. The amount of laughter at the read though suggests that it will be a good evening's entertainment.
On Sunday 18th September at the amphitheatre of Embrosneros starting at 6pm is a concert in aid of the Chania Red Cross.


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