Fire and dancing

Another mixed bag this week! I always mean to write a little every day but never quite get there!
A fairly busy week with prospects of some work on the "day job" Meetings at the town hall about water, rivers, beaches, and updates.  A dispute about the location of a rubbish bin in the village! Wednesday off to Hania very early and  some friends over in the evening till very late. Well the excitement this week really was the fire. Scary too at this time of year when a spark can set a fire going that gets out of control. A house fire - fire engines racing by and everyone afraid of the worst. Luckily it was soon under control - though the house was burnt out. Saturday was the name day of one of the local churches ( Sotiris/ Xristos) so off there early for the service.  I must say that the blue dome was painted brown this week. A shame I thought but the powers on high proclaimed that only churches i the Dodecanese are allowed to have blue domes!

Yesterday - Sunday was the "Dance across Crete" this was the second year it has been held and last year got the record for the largest number of dancers doing a Cretan Sirtaki at the same time. I have not heard the numbers for this years dance yet. Though there was a good turnout in the larger places the turn out for Apokoronas was very disappointing. Here is a video from last year. Hope to get one from this year's dance in the next few days.
After the dance - and by the way those of you who were expecting a helicopter it turns out that we were being spied on by a satellite!....After the dance we called in at Irida - a taverna run by some friends and enjoyed some souvlaki and white wine - and the company of Lilia the young daughter

and of course the wonderful view - especially as the sun goes down and the lights start to twinkle up
Today a quietish day preparing updates for my websites  and dealing with emails - tomorrow is my morning at the town hall. I wonder what will crop up...


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